Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Fear of God

The Fear of God is discussed in a lot of parts in the Bible. The Bible also tells us to do things with fear and trembling. This fear of God is the realization of God's mastery of his creation.

I came across a wonderful and terrifying thought: Perhaps, God gives and takes away in order to show his mastery over creation. In the Bible, God specifically says to Moses that he makes people blind and deaf. Maybe this means he allows them to be so. Either way, he is responsible for this in some fashion. Then, we have our friend Jesus. He takes away people's blindness and such through His ministry. He does this in order that His glory, or moreso the Father's glory, can be shown.

Our biggest problem with God taking life or just taking away is that we don't have control of that. In a sense, this is derived from a desire in our sinful nature: the desire to be God.

This realization lead me to the Fear of the LORD and a whole new aspect of God.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lex Luthor

I've found myself the villain of a few stories lately. In 2009, I managed to hurt and offend a lot of people. I just heard that something I did a while ago really angered and hurt one of my friends. She's fine now, but it's showing me that there is a trend in my relationships. I'm not gentle and my attitude is so disrespectful. This needs to change...NOW.

Another Great Discovery

Two words: Manchester Orchestra

Friday, January 15, 2010

"The Inscription of Hope"

This is faith:

"I believe in the sun
Even when it is not shining
And I believe in love
Even when there's no one there
And I believe in god
Even when he is silent"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bands Again

These are some bands I recently got into:

The National

Cymbals Eat Guitars

Miss May I

Of Mice & Men



St. Vincent

Bands That I

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hope and a Future

I wanted to write about an important experience in my life in which God "ho'd" my life...twice.

I was thinking of asking this girl out. I told one of my friends about it and she replied, "Did you ask God about it?" Here's something to know about me: I've often felt that people, especially after going to NCU, overspiritualize relationships. But, immediately after my friend said that, I felt like asking her out was wrong. It was a strange feeling, close to the feeling of nervousness or the feeling you get when you screw up in a big way. I've felt this before and identified it as the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

First life ho'ing: God cares about your relationships.

Then, He got me again: I've always felt like Jeremiah 29:11 was overused. It reads, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I always felt like everyone thought that applied to their lives and that I didn't agree. My reasoning for disagreeing with this verse was that bad stuff happens to good people. Plenty of good people have had crappy lives. So, I wrote it off as overused. I felt God speaking this verse into my life when i asked him about me dating this girl. That he had someone different planned for me and if I pursued her, I would be missing out.

The second life ho'ing: God looks out for his children. Also, hope and a future doesn't mean life will be easy-peasy. That's not true. That's the stupid Prosperity movement. God DOES have a plan. He knows what's best for us. He knows what's up. Trust Him, the supplier and inventor of hope. A future with God is the greatest future one can have.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rev. Bob Dylan

I was listening to Bob Dylan's "Blowing in the Wind" and found it to be a sorta Christian message, oddly enough.


People who need to be punched directly in the face (hard)

People who need to be punched directly in the face (hard):

1) Child/wife beaters and rapists
2) People who hate based on sexual orientation, gender, race, class, and creed
3) Anyone who's a douche for no good reason
4) Mainstream Radio (if it took human form)
5) Tom Cruise


Leaders in the United States Congress recently proposed a bill expanding debt relief for impoverished countries, a move hailed by development groups as progress in the fight against global poverty and unfair lending practices to poor nations.

In mid-December, a bi-partisan group of lawmakers introduced the Jubilee Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, this bill will broaden debt relief for poor countries, reform the policies of international financial institutions, and press lenders to use responsible practices with respect to the world's poorest nations.

"As the global-economic crisis pushes tens of millions more people around the world below the global-poverty line, it is more critical than ever that Congress act on this vital legislation," said Alexander Baumgarten of the Jubilee USA Network, a coalition of groups pressing for debt relief for poorer nations. "We've seen the success of debt cancellation in the past, putting children in school, providing life-saving health services, and bringing economic opportunity to millions."

To Help, Urge your senator to support the bill....


This only takes a few seconds to do, but can make a world of difference.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Details, details

I'm not detailed-oriented; I'm more concept-based in what I do. I would be a terrible author haha

"I don't care if it's not pretty; it's done!" - that's practically my life's motto. This is also probably why I enjoy punk music like the Ramones, the Distillers, Minor Threat, and the Bad Brains. That's a lot of "the's" in one sentence.

Expressionism > Impressionism

When it comes to art, creativity comes second to skill for me. I really don't care if you're not technically good if you're creative. This is why I like expressionists more than impressionists. Drawing something that's already there isn't that amazing to me. Sure, it's beautiful, but it's not creative. Expressionism is a way of showing thoughts and feelings through painting - Painting what you feel rather than what you see.

Creativity is the more human part of artistry in my opinion. Monkeys and dogs can learn skills and become technically good at things. Machines are also technically good at things. I don't wanna be a machine. I want to be creative. I wanna show my soul (that's sounds corny haha.)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Okay, I feel bad about writing that stuff about preachers today. Who am I to judge? I talk so much about not judging but judging has become my specialty. 1st Assembly is not a bad church -it's just not for me. I need to learn to not be such a critic all the time. It can be draining on others and myself. It's my nature but that doesn't make it right.

I usually call people who are always negative "soul suckers." I've become a soul sucker in a way. This needs to change. Help me, Jesus.

Science, the friend of God

I hate when people refer to science as something anti-God. If anything, science has let us peak into some of the beautiful mysteries of God through his creation. I also hate when people are afraid to combine intellectualism with Christianity. If wisdom (good reason) comes from God, then what should you be afraid of? Faith will be shaken - we must deal with that and not fear it. God will not fail me. He never has and never will.

Inspirational Speakers That We Once Called "Preachers"

There is a trend I'm noticing in churches today. Preachers aren't preaching the Bible, they are inspirational speakers. They are about feel-goods, pick-me-ups, and self-help. Do people need this? Yes, we need help. To say we don't need help is ignorant. I can't have that everyday, though. That's not the knowledge and wisdom of God.; that's "helpful tips and tricks." I need to know about God and think about God. I need to challenge my beliefs to see if they are solid.

I've decided to leave 1st Assembly in Cedar Rapids today. I don't feel like it's Bible-based enough for me. I shouldn't judge but I know it's just not for me. I need meat and potatoes, they are giving me sweets.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Bands to Love

I've recently fallen for some old Rocksteady bands: Alton Ellis and the Flames, Phyllis Dillon, The Paragons, and mostly, Eric Donaldson.

I've also fallen for some fun hardcore bands recently: Write This Down (rekindling the flame with this one;) Drop Dead, Gorgeous; The Bronx (they are more hardcore punk;) For Today (something good actually came from Iowa;) and the infamous Greeley Estates.

I've also found that I love the Easy Star All Stars, a band that does reggae covers of popular artists like the Beatles and Radiohead. These two bands happen to be personal favs of mine. The Radiohead album is especially good.


Oh the possibilities...

Friday, January 1, 2010

James T. Kirk and Myself

I was reading The Last Lecture, which is good (more entertaining than enlightening,) and the author started talked about James T. Kirk, captain of the Starship Enterprise. In other words, the protagonist of the first Star Trek series. The author was referring to something in The Wrath of Kahn, a Star Trek movie, which also happens in the latest Star Trek movie: Kirk, as a cadet, rigs this simulation program so he wins. Why does he do this? Because before he rigs the program, winning is an impossibility. Kirk beats the program and explains the reason he rigged it -

"I don't believe in a no-win situation."

Interesting! Yes, this seems cocky, but it also seems inspiring. Kirk shows us something about his character. He has supreme confidence. He believes every problem can be faced and overcome. ANY PROBLEM. Imagine if we faced the world with this kind of confidence. I can do this.

Then I remembered a very tramautizing (but not really) event that recently occured in my left, via last semester. This event was none other than my rock climbing class.





I couldn't get up any walls. Not one stupid wall. Even if I was determined - my technique was flawed. I wasn't doing it right and I couldn't get it right. It was a two day course. After the first day, I came home and watched Youtube videos about how to rock climb better. I relearned the knots I needed to make. I was still unsure through all of this. The next day, I sucked just as much as the first day. I passed the class, vowing to never rock climb again unless I needed to.

What did this tell me? What grand lesson did Riley learn from all this? Humility.

Humility is not a lack of confidence or self-esteem, it is a lack of pride. Pride is a big problem in my life, as well as Captain Kirk's life. We were both not too confident to lose, we were too arrogant to lose. Until now, I hadn't realized how well this lesson ties into this season of my life. I prayed at the beginning of the semester for God to teach me humility. DON'T PRAY THIS UNLESS YOU MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I meant it. I learned well and I'm still learning. I learned this through rock climbing and I learned this through my first teaching clinical, in which I didn't do too well. I was talking to a coworker about my clinical experience and how I felt like I failed. His reply ho'd my life. "So, you were upset because you weren't a natural at teaching?" That was exactly right.

What was my problem with the whole situation - my pride. My pride took a hit. My pride was hurt cuz I couldn't make it up a wall. My pride was hurt cuz I wasn't the best teacher from Day 1. The same pride I asked God to help me lose was the pride I was losing. The LORD works in mysterious, and in this case, painfully obvious ways.

Welcome to the year 2010

Welcome to the year 2010...we have space cars, personal robots, and laser guns...well, not yet but we are working on it. My New Years Resolution is to invent all of those things.