Sunday, January 3, 2010

Inspirational Speakers That We Once Called "Preachers"

There is a trend I'm noticing in churches today. Preachers aren't preaching the Bible, they are inspirational speakers. They are about feel-goods, pick-me-ups, and self-help. Do people need this? Yes, we need help. To say we don't need help is ignorant. I can't have that everyday, though. That's not the knowledge and wisdom of God.; that's "helpful tips and tricks." I need to know about God and think about God. I need to challenge my beliefs to see if they are solid.

I've decided to leave 1st Assembly in Cedar Rapids today. I don't feel like it's Bible-based enough for me. I shouldn't judge but I know it's just not for me. I need meat and potatoes, they are giving me sweets.

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