Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hope and a Future

I wanted to write about an important experience in my life in which God "ho'd" my life...twice.

I was thinking of asking this girl out. I told one of my friends about it and she replied, "Did you ask God about it?" Here's something to know about me: I've often felt that people, especially after going to NCU, overspiritualize relationships. But, immediately after my friend said that, I felt like asking her out was wrong. It was a strange feeling, close to the feeling of nervousness or the feeling you get when you screw up in a big way. I've felt this before and identified it as the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

First life ho'ing: God cares about your relationships.

Then, He got me again: I've always felt like Jeremiah 29:11 was overused. It reads, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I always felt like everyone thought that applied to their lives and that I didn't agree. My reasoning for disagreeing with this verse was that bad stuff happens to good people. Plenty of good people have had crappy lives. So, I wrote it off as overused. I felt God speaking this verse into my life when i asked him about me dating this girl. That he had someone different planned for me and if I pursued her, I would be missing out.

The second life ho'ing: God looks out for his children. Also, hope and a future doesn't mean life will be easy-peasy. That's not true. That's the stupid Prosperity movement. God DOES have a plan. He knows what's best for us. He knows what's up. Trust Him, the supplier and inventor of hope. A future with God is the greatest future one can have.

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