Thursday, January 7, 2010


Leaders in the United States Congress recently proposed a bill expanding debt relief for impoverished countries, a move hailed by development groups as progress in the fight against global poverty and unfair lending practices to poor nations.

In mid-December, a bi-partisan group of lawmakers introduced the Jubilee Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, this bill will broaden debt relief for poor countries, reform the policies of international financial institutions, and press lenders to use responsible practices with respect to the world's poorest nations.

"As the global-economic crisis pushes tens of millions more people around the world below the global-poverty line, it is more critical than ever that Congress act on this vital legislation," said Alexander Baumgarten of the Jubilee USA Network, a coalition of groups pressing for debt relief for poorer nations. "We've seen the success of debt cancellation in the past, putting children in school, providing life-saving health services, and bringing economic opportunity to millions."

To Help, Urge your senator to support the bill....

This only takes a few seconds to do, but can make a world of difference.

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