Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big Dreamer, pt. II

I feel like my life, or life in general, is a book waiting to be written. Some people have a terrible writer's block. I feel like I have the opposite problem like I said before. I have to many things to write and a built-in sense of indecision that I can't shake.

Lack of action has always been a huge character flaw of mine (which reminds me of Hamlet, who had a similar fault.) I need to get over this. It's pathetic. Sometimes, I think I go down the path of least resistance. This is contradictory to my affinity for big dreaming. I see worlds to conquer but I back down like a gutless Napoleon. Weak!

These thoughts lead me to my problem with the story of Cinderella. I know - random. So, all Cinderella does is dream and she gets a "happily ever after." No work, just gets handed a magical opportunity and she takes it. A Cinderella story is ideal, but is completely stupid as a mentality. Do I have that mentality? Perhaps. I see a great path and like what I see. I plan to walk it wholeheartedly. When it comes time to act, I don't follow through or do briefly but eventually just give up or forget about it. Pathetic.

I'm beginning to change. My switch to becoming a vegetarian and sticking with it is my first step to a much-needed transformation. So, is this blog. :)

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