Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Obvious Beauties

Enjoy your life! "The life you've been looking for is the one that you're living." To experience the "fullness" of the experience of life people think they have to climb mountains or pull off dangerous stunts. That's stupid! We are ignoring the subtle beauties around us. Just for a few moments, take the time to realize the amazing colors and sounds around you. It's easy to ignore so many amazing things because we don't take the time to take it all in.

My Uncle Jimmy is retarded. Everyday, he goes and looks out at the stoplights on his street. Everyday! It never gets old for him. We have to be amused by things that are new and exciting (it's almost like we are hedonists.) We have become victims of entertainment, chained to an ugly and distorted version of experience. Enjoy the simple pleasures of this wondrous creation.

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