Sunday, December 20, 2009


I always knew it was there

I hated it from the start

Beating on a basket ball

Against a plastic black rim

I contemplated this wall

Force field that keeps me here

I’ve never felt lonelier

Never felt more cold than this

Through bricks and mortar unseen

I stare into hopelessness

Like a kid with no Christmas

So, I ask the same questions

Who built up this stupid wall?

Was it God, Satan, or both?

Was it me? Was it the world?

Do they see it? Is it real?

Can they feel it? Do they care?

Do we all feel isolated?

I open up these hands wide

Open hands, make me tunnels

Tunnels that reach through the black

The black that surrounds us all

This presence that separates

Soul from soul and world from world

Now, I understand the kiss

For in a kiss, we are one

For a brief moment of life

The wall has lost its power

And we are, at last, inside

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