Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What I learned from Islam

I got the chance to talk to a Muslim friend of mine about Islam and Christianity. We debated religion, which was thrilling to me. Our talk made me realize something that I've taken too lightly in my Christian lifestyle. That something is sin. As a Christian, we really shouldn't be lenient with ourselves about our sin. Muslims aren't. Of course, Muslims are more devout then Christians. If you are a Christian and don't believe this, ask yourself "when is the last time I've taken 5 different times in a day and set them aside for prayer?" Most people, including myself, would answer "never."

I'm not saying a certain amount of prayers or a certain number of good deeds gets you into Heaven. After all, the Apostle Paul wrote that "if righteousness could be attained through the law, than Christ died for nothing!" I believe that. I also believe that trying harder as opposed to making excuses for myself seems like the right thing to do. I'm sick of half-hearted Christianity. It's got me no where. Complacency, like so many other things, is a choice.

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